
From the recording d.y.k.J?


Dear Mama,
There's so much I want to say, but lately tears get in the way. But I know you hear me even when I don't speak.
Dear Mama,
Thank you doesn't seem enough for all your guidance and your love. I am who I am because of who you are.
I remember growing up as your child...I couldn't be bad. I better not be wild.
We had to say grace every time before we'd eat. And we had to pray together every night before we sleep.
Hey Mama,
The doctors gave a bad report. But we held hands and prayed and trusted
in the Lord...and we saw a miracle!!
And oooh oooh Mama...there are tears because we miss you so..but we know that you had to go and God was calling you home.
You never stopped in bad times and stormy weather...and the best peace you ever had was seeing your family together. It gives me joy when I think about your smile..like you said..'see you later alligator..after while crocodile'.
Hey Mama,
I've got Jesus on the line...He said you're smiling doing just fine...and I feel your presence deep in my heart.
Dear Mama,
It will never be good-bye. I'll just say...
I'll see you in a little while.

Dear Mama...such a
Dear Mama..you will always be my...
Dear Mama..